
Annual Review 2017


ENOC recognises the importance of ethical practices. We are committed to following best practice in the industry to ensure ethics are not compromised, and our corporate values are always upheld.

ENOC has developed its own Code of Business Conduct Handbook to raise awareness of these issues and guide all employees. The handbook is a management tool for reinforcing our corporate values and highlighting every individual’s responsibilities and obligations.

The Code is a guideline that provides direction and assists us in taking responsible actions in complex business environments; however, it can only be effective with committed dissemination, implementation and monitoring. It needs to be embedded at all levels with the purpose of positively influencing employee behaviour and their contributions to the organisation.

All ENOC employees, agents, consultants, contractors, representatives and suppliers are ultimately responsible for conducting themselves with integrity and in an ethical manner, in compliance with applicable laws. Everyone working for or with ENOC must uphold the highest standards of business integrity and ethics in the conduct of all activities. The Code signifies ENOC’s long-standing commitment to conduct business in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and in accordance with integrity and the highest ethical principles.

Compliance with our legal and ethical obligations is the responsibility of every employee and representative of ENOC. It is also the responsibility of every individual to acknowledge and report any cases of potential non-compliance. The reporting of any breach or non-compliance can be direct through the line manager or channelled through the Business Ethics Committee.

We have also activated an ENOC Ethics Line, managed by an independent external hotline operator. The hotline ensures confidentiality and is intended to assist and protect anyone who may want to report any form of malpractice. This may include fraud, financial malpractice, bribery, kickbacks, harassment, bullying, misuse of ENOC premises and equipment, or violation of ENOC’s policies and procedures.