ENOC > About Us > Sustainability > Our Stakeholders
Our Stakeholders

Our Stakeholders

Our Stakeholders

"We at the ENOC Group recognize that the decisions we make and the actions we take in performing our operations and other activities affect a wide range of our stakeholder's like government agencies, customers, community, suppliers, contractors, businesses and organizations.

We engage with stakeholders on many sustainability-related issues throughout the year. We strongly believe engaging our diverse stakeholders in long-term dialogue provides important input that informs our decision making, and helps us continuously improve and make progress toward our sustainability commitments."

How we engage?

We work on a structured approach to have an interactive stakeholder engagement so that we can receive effective feedback. Also, the variety of
our stakeholders and the breadth of our reach means we engage in different ways. Below we provide examples of our engagement approach
with key stakeholders by which we engage with them continuously.

Structured workshops and events

"ENOC conducts annual stakeholder engagement event inviting key stakeholders like Government authorities, Suppliers, NGOs and Business partners on a common platform where the stakeholders can discuss about the key issues affecting ENOC."

Internal engagement surveys

"We seek the feedback of our Customers and Communities through annual independent surveys and also seek feedback through our dedicated customer call numbers (800 ENOC)."

Surveys, Dedicated customer call numbers and Social media

"We seek feedback from our employees through annual Employee Engagement Survey to gauge our employee satisfaction. To understand the most material sustainability issues and opportunities for ENOC, particularly those that are non-financial, we conduct a dedicated annual Sustainability survey to all our employees and analyze the survey results which will act as a key input to our reporting process."

We took a major stakeholder mapping exercise in 2016 and repeated in 2019 to understand the material stakeholders of ENOC. The stakeholders are prioritized based on the influence ENOC have and also the impact created by ENOC. Based on that, a stakeholder map of ENOC was constructed which includes stakeholders like regulators, authorities, suppliers, contractors, international agencies, NGOs, customers, employees and investors & shareholders. After the stakeholder identification, direct engagement of the stakeholders was conducted through interactive workshops (with live polling). The stakeholders have identified energy efficiency during design as one of the priority issues for ENOC and the Group Sustainability Office developed the Purchase and Design Energy Efficiency Standard which got approved by the CEO by end of 2017. In 2019, CSR issues were discussed with stakeholders and actions were taken to develop ENOC's CSR Vision and Framework in 2020.

Our stakeholder engagement review showed a drastic improvement in how our stakeholders perceive ENOC’s brand is associated with Sustainability and CSR.

Key issues for ENOC?

Understanding and prioritizing the issues that matter to our business and our stakeholders enables us to address the right issues and report on them effectively. This allows us to evolve our strategy and tailor our reporting so it is aligned with the interests and needs of our stakeholders, as well as those of the company.

We define issues to be material to our business in terms of:

  • The degree to which an issue is aligned with our vision and purpose and geography we operate.
  • The potential impact on our operations and consumers.
  • The extent of ENOC's influence on the issue.
  • The importance of an issue to our key stakeholders.
Get In Touch

Please let us know if you have any feedback, request for information or any questions about ENOC.