Contact Us

Contact Us

Customer Care

Do you have some feedback for us? An idea we may be interested in? Or do you have a question we can answer? We are always happy to hear from you and always happy to help. Please call us or get in touch via our social media pages!

To get in touch with us, please call 800-ENOC(3662). International calls: +9714 3374400 and connect through our social media channels


Media Enquiries 

For all media enquiries, please contact us on 

Makani number: 

The ENOC Makani number is 29760-91875

Emirates National
Oil Company Ltd

  • Postal Address

    ENOC Complex, P.O.Box 6442 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Phone


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Get In Touch

Please let us know if you have any feedback, request for information or any questions about ENOC.
